Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Comparing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Comparing - Essay Example Human beings are becoming more inquisitive, than ever before, about the authority of religion and religious scriptures, which sometimes may not match with the scientific discoveries. However, the presence of ‘God Particle’ and ‘Big Bang’ theory has baffled many scientists and philosophers, compelling them to think in terms of God’s existence and creation of universe, with perfection. In response to thinking of certain radicals, a new philosophy of life has emerged, during last few decades, which is called ’Humanism’. This philosophy aims at making human lives ethical and responsible for betterment of human kind, without any religious or supernaturalism. The humanism and its aspirations might be the path to enlightened living for the future generations, as it gets inspiration from the experiences of life, while being guided by reason. Humanists acknowledge that values and ideals are subject to changes as people gather more knowledge about life. Approach to existence of God Russell has his own arguments to explain that he is not a Christian. He has simplified the dogma of Christianity by comparing the similar beliefs that people following two different religions may have. For example, it is essential to believe in God and immortality, for being a true Christian. However, according to Russell, Muslims also must believe in God and immortality. ... Roussell also nullified the â€Å"Natural Law Agreement† and â€Å"Argument from Design†. According to Russell, the â€Å"Moral Argument for Deity† and â€Å"Argument for remedying the injustice† could not stand the test of time, as injustice is evident everywhere and innocents suffer, while wicked people prosper. This is great injustice done by the God, if he exists.(Russell) While Dawkins has similar views about the existence of God, he further treats the Old Testament as a work of fiction and its God the most unpleasant character in this fiction. Dawkins has accused God with different allegations that range from being jealous, vindictive, bloodthirsty, racist, genocidal, unjust and unforgiving, among others. Dawkins has defined the God hypothesis, as God being the supernatural intelligent super being, who has created the universe including the human beings living in this world. However, the alternate view presented by Dawkins explains that the creative intelligence is the result of on-going evolution process and it has the capability of designing complex events.(Dawkins) Hitchens had similar views about the existence of God. In his â€Å"God is Not Great†, he has explained that he does not believe in personal God. Hence, no religious convictions for him. Instead, Hitchens feels that he has religious faith in the revelations of science, which unfolds the structure of this world.(Hitchens) Arguments about meaning of religion While the three philosophers had similar views about any religion being only a dogma, they had their own version to justify this. Hitchens has explained the religious plagiarism, in which all three major religions, Christianity, Islam and Jewish Zoroastrian have borrowed different rituals from each

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